Real Estate

Real estate transactions frequently require legal consultation and advice, and Plant Christensen & Kanell provides a broad range of services in this area.  These services include legal assistance with negotiations, document review and preparation, and litigation. 

Real Estate Agent/Broker Liability

The lawyers of Plant Christensen & Kanell have extensive experience representing the legal interests of real estate agents and brokers.  The firm handles many cases alleging a variety of claims, errors and omissions against agents/brokers.  Its defense of real estate agents and brokers has often resulted in the granting of summary judgment in favor of the agent/broker.   

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*The submission of information through this form does not create a client-attorney relationship; you should not share any confidential or material information about your legal issue with Plant Christensen & Kanell until we've met and decided to establish representation. This form is intended to serve as a means of initial contact, not as a means of establishing representation from Plant Christensen & Kanell. Please allow us one to three business days to respond to any submissions.

Don't hesitate to give us a call: 801-363-7611. We look forward to hearing from you.

Practice Area Icon adapted from original art made by Kiranshastry from